Does Eero Work With Xfinity?

Since moving into a larger space that necessitated the use of a mesh WiFi solution, I’ve been using the Eero Pro. I had been using an Xfinity phone modem-router until that point.

Because I thrive in an Apple HomeKit environment, and Eero is the only mesh router that is compatible with Apple HomeKit, I made the decision to go with them.

Setup with my Xfinity internet connection was what I had in mind. My search for a specific tutorial on how to accomplish it on the Internet turned up nothing, which shocked me.

Eero With Xfinity

Setup your Eero router with Xfinity internet may be accomplished in a matter of minutes using the instructions provided below.

Eero is compatible with Comcast’s Xfinity service. The Xfinity xFi wireless gateway must be bridged in order for Eero to work with the service provider. To do so, go into the admin tools at and enable bridge mode in the settings.

In the next step, connect an ethernet wire from the LAN port of your WiFi router to the WAN port on the Eero.

Advantages of using Eero Instead of Xfinity xFi Modem-Router Combination

Eero is an extremely powerful mesh router for residential usage that allows for a great deal of personalization and customization.

Many advantages may be gained by using it instead of the xFi modem-router combination that Xfinity supplies.

Comparing Eero to Xfinity xFi, it is clear that it provides a substantially superior connection. The mesh network that you can create in your home with many Eero beacons will almost always outperform the xFi network in terms of performance.

Despite the fact that mesh routers are more complex than traditional modem routers such as xFi, Eero is very easy to use and set up.

A great deal more flexibility and control are available with Eero than is possible with the xFi. This also prevents Xfinity from interfering with or controlling your home network in any way. If you want to utilize your Eero for gaming purposes, this degree of customization may be really beneficial.

In comparison to xFi support, Eero support is light years ahead. A large number of Eero developers are well-known to visit forums, and they can help you with practically any problem you may be experiencing with your mesh router.

How to Avoid Paying Any Rent to Xfinity?

The majority of people who use Comcast’s Xfinity xFi modem-router combination pay a monthly charge to the company, which is referred to as “rent.”

The most straightforward method to prevent this is to return the Xfinity gateway (xFi).

Due to the fact that it is solely capable of routing, your Eero does not have a modem.

As a result, you will need to replace your Xfinity xFi modem with a new modem to complete your installation.

I personally use the Arris Surfboard 8200 (available on Amazon), which has been running flawlessly for more than a year now and provides incredible speeds.

How to Set up Eero with Xfinity Internet?

How to Set up Eero with Xfinity Internet

The process of configuring Eero with Xfinity internet is simple and can be finished in a matter of minutes if you follow the instructions outlined in this article carefully.

Step 1: Log in to your Xfinity Gateway account on the Internet.

Login to the Xfinity Gateway

Connect an ethernet wire from the LAN port on your Xfinity xFi router to the LAN port on your PC.

To access your Xfinity gateway’s portal, go to your browser’s address bar and type into the address bar.

Once the site has loaded, enter your user name and password to proceed.

If you are unable to recall your login credentials, try using the words “admin” as your username and “password” as your password.

If you are unable to identify the correct login and password on your Xfinity xFi device, you should be able to locate it on your computer.

Step 2: Select ‘Gateway at a Glance’ as your view.

On the left-hand side of the screen, just below the ‘Gateway’ menu, you should be able to discover this.

Step 3: The next step is to enable Bridge Mode on your Xfinity xFi router.

The next step is to activate bridge mode in the settings, which can be found under ‘Gateway at a Glance.’

This will limit the routing capabilities of your Xfinity gateway, allowing your Eero to do the necessary tasks.

This eliminates the possibility of a dispute arising from a double NAT, which may occur when two routers are in use at the same time.

Alternatively, if you are still unsure about how to activate bridge mode, you may go to this website for more thorough instructions.

Step 4: Confirm the modifications.

If you do not do this, you will lose the benefits of the change that you have brought about.

Connect the Xfinity Gateway to the Eero Nest Router Ethernet Modem (Step 5).

Connect an ethernet wire from the LAN port of your Xfinity Gateway to the WAN port of your Eero router using the instructions provided.

Because they are both WAN ports on your Eero, you may connect it to any one of the ports on your Eero.

Step 6: Power cycle all of your devices to restart them.

It is necessary to restart all of your devices before you can begin using the Internet as a last step in the procedure.

All of the new configurations will be able to take form and be deployed as a result of this.

Wait a few minutes for the Internet to become stable, and then you may begin using your Eero router to access the Internet.

How to Add More Ethernet Ports to Your Eero Router?

How to Add More Ethernet Ports to Your Eero Router

You will be unable to hardwire any devices from the xFi network after you have bridged your Xfinity Gateway.

You will also see that you just have a single LAN connection left on your main Eero, which may be used to connect any devices such as your PS4, desktop computers, and so on.

Using a gigabit switch is the most straightforward solution to this problem (on Amazon). The switch will enable you to connect many devices to your router utilizing ethernet cables, which will save you time and money.

Final Thoughts

In my research, I discovered that there were no excellent, specific reviews on how to set up an Eero mesh router with Xfinity internet service.

Before I could figure out the specific steps, I had to fight with it for a while.

I hope that following these instructions allows you to successfully set up your Eero with Xfinity internet.

Frequently Asked Questions

faq 4 1

How do I connect my Eero to my Comcast router?

An ethernet cable should be connected from the LAN port of your Xfinity by Comcast modem-router to the WAN port of your Eero router in order to connect your Xfinity by Comcast modem-router with your Eero router.

Can I use Eero with my existing router?

You may use your Eero with an existing modem router if you already have one. It is recommended that you bridge your current router before connecting it to Eero in order to prevent the occurrence of a second NAT.

How many Eero beacons can I add?

You may add an unlimited number of Eero beacons to your mesh WiFi network to increase the range of your network.

Does Eero make the Internet faster?

In my experience, Eero Pro significantly increased the speed of my gigabit internet when compared to the modem router given by my ISP.

How good is Eero WiFi?

The Eero Mesh WiFi router is a very capable device that can be used for both residential and business applications.
Increase the range of your Eero beacons to whatever extent you desire since you have the flexibility to add an endless number of them

Do you have to pay monthly for Eero WiFi?

There are no monthly costs associated with the use of the Eero mesh WiFi router. All you have to do is pay your internet service provider (ISP) for your internet connection.

What is the difference between Eero and Eero Pro?

The most significant difference between the Eero and the Eero Pro is, in essence, the range and the number of bands available. Eero Pro has three bands, although the standard Eero only has two.

How many devices can Eero support?

A single Eero router is capable of supporting up to 128 devices without experiencing any problems.v

Is Eero secure worth it?

Eero secure is a worthwhile investment for anybody who wishes to use an ad-blocker or implement search limits, among other things.
However, if you are considering subscribing to Eero safe, the improved security against hackers and dangers online is a crucial aspect to consider as well.

Lance Ulanoff is a renowned tech journalist, commentator, and on-air expert with over 36 years of experience. He has held esteemed positions including Editor in Chief of Lifewire and Mashable, where he delved into the impact of technology on daily life. Lance's expertise has been featured on major news programs globally, and he has made appearances on Fox News, CNBC, and the BBC.